Army Dad

An ignorant Dad's (and maybe Mom's too) view of the Army...

20 September 2006


Day 1 is posted, but a little background and a bit of an update is in order.

Background- It happened quite some time ago, years actually, but I can remember it as clear as if was yesterday, I even remember where we were standing in the house. My son came up to me, he was maybe 12 years old at the time and said, "Dad, I don't want a desk-job, I don't want to sit and just work all day in an office." My reply swiftly rolled out, "Join the Army". As the years ticked by, we spoke of the Army frequently. Before long high school came, and I figured he might cool to the idea. Girls, cars, college, whatever, something else would grab his interest. Still he still talked of enlisting. He was getting serious. At this point OIF II was well under way (spring 2005), he and I had discussed the fact that the Army is for real. It isn't the movies, it isn't about glory, it is as REAL as it gets, and people die. His intentions never wavered. Finally I told him we were off to the recruiters. I wanted to see if he was talk or action. His focus narrowed even more. His trips to the recruiters became more frequent, he took his ASVAB and just crushed it. Finally he came and told us that the recruiter would like Mom and Dad to come in for a talk. We went and sat for an hour or so, asked some questions and told our son and his recruiter that we were 100% behind his decision. His 18th birthday was a week away. He scheduled his first MEPs visit two days after his 18th birthday and damned near forgot to tell us he was taking his oath that day as well. "Its' no big deal," were his words, "its' just part of the job." And that's how we got to where we are today!

By way of introducing myself- I'm 51, I've been married to the same, very tolerant and understanding woman for 30 years. In addition to my son I have a daughter age 16. I have not had the honor of serving in the spite of all the stupid things I have done and the bad decisions I have made, THAT is my one and only regret in life. I'm a financial planner/retirement plan specialist. I spent many years as a Graphic Designer prior to my career change. For as long as I can remember I've been attracted to the military. I almost joined in 1971. My brother was in the Navy and thought the military would be "good for me". I took the tests, qualified to do pretty much anything I wanted, took my physical and wimped out. My rationale- the Navy was boring sounding, it was the end of the Vietnam War and the military had a pretty low standing in society, the doctors were mean at the physical, but the bottom line is unlike my son, I wimped out. I was too damned old when the Gulf War occurred and I'm WAY too damned old now! DAMN!

Update-My son arrived at Fort Sill, and is currently in the reception battalion. He's managed to call twice in the last three days. Upon completion of BCT he'll be off to Fort Huachuca for AIT. His contracted MOS is serious...and someting we aren't privelidged to. He sounds nervous, excited and homesick all rolled into one. He's been probed, poked, inoculated, shorn, given his ACUs and is anxious to get on with BCT. I can tell he's a bit homesick...and I know we're really missing him. Such is the eternal cycle of life.

Finally, I'd like to solicit information, stories and so on from other "ignorant", but learning, military parents. There is a lot of info out there on enlisting, on what to expect during BCT and so on, but there seems to be a lack of info from the parents point of view. (OK-I STAND CORRECTED, I'VE FOUND A GOOD NUMBER OF PARENT BLOGS re: BCT, ETC. dohhh) I know there are blogs by parents of deployed Soldiers and Marines, but I haven't seen anything by a parent of a raw recruit! And that ladies and gentlemen is my motivation!

Please send your stories and advice, your wisdom and knowledge! I'd like to make this blog a collaborative endeavor...but I NEED input! No matter if your an old hand at being a military parent or a new one like my wife and myself, we welcome, no we NEED your input!

Thanks and tune in again for the next exciting episode of ARMY DAD.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent page......My Son is 20 and is doing OSUT(one stationunit training,BCT & AIT in one spot) at Fort benning due to Graduate Oct. 27th. I saw your profile at Armymom website, I am west of Detroit, welcome to the Military Life. I love the site great start

Blogger Army Dad said...

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Blogger Army Dad said...

Anonymous, thanks for your kind words! I'll do my best to keep this site active and current. I may be a bit wordy from time to time, occasionally a tad maudlin, but bear with me. In time I hope to make this a useful, visually attractive blog. Hopefully a supplement to Armymom, which is awesome!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just arrived here after seeing the link you posted in your profile on

Hopefully, we can share stories, concerns, questions, and shoulders throughout this life-changeing event called Army life.

Army Medic Dad


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