re-flex [noun; ree-fleks]
7. any automatic, unthinking, often habitual behavior or response. Unabridged (v 1.0.1)
We're dealing with reflexes these days, and learning to adjust them. Little things, like how many green beans we buy, like sitting around the fire pit late at night and seeing lights in the driveway and having the thought "Patrick's home". Chores undone, laundry still scattered about (there's something that will be a big learning experience), so many little things. Action and Reaction. The normal patterns, assumptions and mechanics of our household are being re-calibrated. We're learning, we're adjusting, its' just different.
Update- We got a letter today! Very cool! Mind you this is the kid who sent zero letters during his German trip last year, in fact he called but once, upon arrival and the only other communcation was when talked with him on AIM and he mentioned in the offhand manner that only a teenager can do, "I think I lost my passport." (We did solve that little issue). It was a short note written while he was still in Reception. At that time he was expecting to be there for some time, perhaps two weeks...he shipped to BCT the next day. He was not happy about the shaved head, but was excited about his ACUs. And there was something about the Drill Seargents being mean. He pointed out in the next sentence that he knew they'd be meaner in BCT. Homesick and anxious to get on with Basic.
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