Army Dad

An ignorant Dad's (and maybe Mom's too) view of the Army...

16 October 2006

Intense...In Tents

Last weekend (7-Oct & 8-Oct) we were very fortunate...we received two phone calls from Patrick, one Saturday and one on Sunday. I feel a bit guilty after reading some posts on other sites from some parents who didn't hear from their soldier kids for weeks...we ARE very lucky!

On Saturday as we pulled into the parking lot to do some grocery shopping the phone rang. It was Patrick. We talked about his experience in the Gas Chamber (he didn't puke), weapons familiarization, road marches and so on. It was great to hear his voice, if a bit raspy. The conversation touched on food, experiences, battle buddies, decisions (are you happy?), and so on. From his phone call it sounded like it is going as good as could be expected. A big relief!

We tried to bring him up to speed on the latest from the world as we know it. The Detroit Tigers we're rocking the Yankees back big-time, the dogs were doing fine, a brief update on his sister Kelly's homecoming, North Korea, and so on.

We both wound up asking about his upcoming week...Patrick said they were going to be intense...or did he say they were going to be in tents?

Being the ego-centric male that I am I was SURE it was going to be an INTENSE week ahead. Hell, I had asked Patrick what his upcoming week was going to be like- the clear, distinct answer was, "We're going to be INTENSE!" My bride was sure he was going to be "In TENTS!"

Flash to Sunday. We'd gone to the hobby shop right after church. I'm inside sorting out a goofed up layaway when Donna comes in. "Its' Patrick." she mouthes to me. Fantastic! "Ask him if its' intense or in tents", I mouth back...I'm determined to prove my superior intellect, my Army-sense, my "Ya. I'm right".

Well, Patrick was going to be IN TENTS! It wasn't a FX (Field Exercise), but they were going to be "out" for the week. Working with their weapons and more.

Still and all, it was damned fine to hear his voice! And to know they were going to be intense while in tents!


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